
Monday, August 5, 2019

Benefits Of Vajrasana: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

Benefits Of Vajrasana: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

Benefits Of Vajrasana


About Vajrasana

Benefits Of Vajrasana. Vajrasana is a type of yoga. There are many miraculous benefits. And this posture improves many diseases. Like - digestive action, waist pain is a wonderful remedy for heel and neck pain. This seat improves 72,000 nerves.

This asana is done in meditation pose. Keep your eyes closed while doing this asana. In this posture, the body is strong like the bajra, hence this seat is called Vajrasana. This is the only posture that can be done even after eating.

Method of Vajrasana

Benefits Of Vajrasana To do this posture, first sit on the mat. Now bend your one leg from knees to backward and apply it below the hips. Then move the second leg to the knees and move backwards and place it under the hips. Now, stretch your hands over the knees and put the weight of your whole body on the heels and claws. After coming in this position, close the eyes and keep the reed bone and neck straight. Breathe at normal speed and release. While doing this asana, do not take breath from your mouth and do not talk. After 10 minutes of exercise, come to your normal state. We take good advantage of this posture every 10 minutes.

Benefits of Vajrasana 

Benefits Of Vajrasana A wonderful remedy for digestive action, back pain, knee pain, rheumatism, citicose, heel and neck pain, it clears 72,000 nerves. The knee pain and waist cures pain.

  • This posture strengthens the body and increases age.
  • This asana increases eyesight and removes insomnia.
  • This posture concentrates the mind and also increases the memory power.
  • This asana is a wonderful way to get rid of heel and neck pain.
  • This asana makes the nerves of the feet strong.
  • This seat improves the pain in the lower back.
  • By doing this asana, citika is completely cured.
  • This posture helps to keep the spinal cord straight.
  • This asana corrects the stomach gas and digestion.

My Opinion

Hello friends I am Brijesh Kumar welcome you to read this post. If you like this post, then you should share this post to others. In this post I have explained about Vajrasana. What will you gain by doing this? And when you should do all the things I have mentioned in this post. If you follow the things mentioned in this post, then you will benefit immensely.

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